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You might recognize Jewel from years past. She's been a bride at various locations in the haunt.

This year she gets a "Gruesome Shots" makeover, and she's been doing her aerobics to get in shape - cause she'll really be bustin' a move this year.

Here she is in 2005 as a blonde? And again in 2007 when she went red.

Step 1 of her makeover was a facial. Instead of the shiny white plastic look she gets something a little more "dead" looking:

Now to really beef her up, this year she gets mounted to a pneumatic platform we bought online:

And she'll get some fancy electronics to really get her going:

Pictured are a PROP1 controller by EFX-TEK hooked up to a PIR (motion sensor) which then triggers a solenoid (from Brian Warner at Evilusions) which causes Jewel to sit up thanks to the cylinder and attached mechanism from Gates of Terror.

And for a "REAL" surprise, she's gonna really SHARE - a blast of air/water spray. This will use a 2-way 2-port 2 position solenoid -also from Evilusions routed into a small tube (from a $3 air sprayer at Harbor Freight) inserted into a larger tube which runs from a bucket of water up and out of Jewel's mouth. A minor tracheotomy and we were able to route a 1/4" inside diameter clear tube up her torso and out her mouth:

 And then she gets mounted onto her new "ride":

More coming... Check back.